Download a new plugin for importing 2d dxf info into Softimage XSI v6+ from here:
Posted this on XSI base on April 6th 2007. So far there hasn't been much interest so development hasn't progressed much further.
Before using: Please note that all data to be imported should be FLAT 2D CAD data. For files with line information or DXF polymeshes that are in 3 dimensions, please use the previous importer for v5. See link on the right.
0.1 - new compiled c# based plugin for XSI version 6+ only - imports lines, arcs and circles
Tips for workflow: XSI struggles with displaying a lot of curves on screen (I have Radeon 9800 pro), so try to reduce the curve count as much as possible. Work with snap switched on. Holding down snap (ctrl) on the keyboard results in terrible lag with big curvelists.
**Please note** - this plugin does not run in a workgroup over a network - please install on local harddrive.
- block importing (to remove the need to explode everything in a CAD program)
- seperate layer data into seperate objects
- more elements
- rewrite 3d importer in C# to evaluate performance