redmotion: August 2007

25 August 2007

3rd place - T-Gen Competition Entry

I was very pleased to get third place with this entry into the T-Gen competition:

20 August 2007

Redmotion XSI plugins - now packaged addons

I've decided to package all my plugins as .xsiaddons. This should now allow them to be installed in a workgroup and easier to uninstall.

2d Dxf importer for XSI v6 - here
(No Change)
3d Dxf importer for XSI v5/6 - here
(No Change)
Sun Position plugin - here
(Now features Primitive > Light > Sun and Property > SunPosition menu items. The Sun primitive features a "distance" parameter for moving the light clear of the scene.)
Four point rotate - here (Post coming soon about how to use this plugin - it's a CAD style precise rotation tool.)

09 August 2007

Something revolutionary is coming!

Softimage have been developing a new extension for their existing software, Softimage XSI. To quote a post (perhaps the most exciting one i've ever read there) at XSIbase :-
(It) will do for particles, custom ops, and tools, etc what the render tree has done for custom look development. That is, open it up to many more people and increase the rate of development.
Basically, it seems as if you will be able to add your own complex features based around existing operations perhaps without any coding experience.

06 August 2007

Entrance Interior

1hr 20mins rendering, FG about 50mins- Mental Ray, Photoshop, Softimage XSI 6.02